The Governing Body have adopted a school uniform policy in which all pupils are expected to wear the following dress code:
• Royal Blue Sweatshirt with logo
• White polo shirt – preferably with logo
• Grey or black trousers or skirt
• Summer dress alternative
• Shorts as summer alternative
• Grey / black / white socks
• Black ‘sensible’ shoes (low heeled)
Children may wish to keep a pair of trainers at school to wear outdoors at break time.
You do not have to purchase uniform with our school logo on however if you would like to here's the link https://price-buckland.co.uk/farnsfield-st-michaels-c-of-e-primary-school-nottingham
The only items of personal jewellery that are acceptable for children to wear are:
• Ear studs
• Watches For all PE, and possible other curriculum, activities children must remove any items of jewellery for the duration of the lesson.
Staff will not be expected to assist children with replacing any items of jewellery.
Any child who has had their ears recently pierced may keep their ear stud in for a period of six weeks but must come to school with a plaster to cover the ear stud for PE lessons.
It is recommended that where children are to have their ears pierced that this is done at the start of the summer holidays so that the hole has healed for the start of the Autumn term.
No child is permitted to bring mobile phones or electronic games to school.
PE Kit
All children will be expected to change for PE activities, Indoor work (e.g. dance and gymnastics type activities)
The PE kit should consist of plain white t-shirt / polo-shirt and plain black shorts / PE skirt. Plimsolls may be worn by children in Key Stage 1.
Some activities will take place in bare feet. Outdoor work (e.g. games and athletics)
Children will need a black sweatshirt and black jogging trousers and outdoor trainers.
Children who are attending swimming lessons will need a one-piece swimming costume, towel and bag.
Boys need to wear trunks which are close fitting and not Bermuda type shorts.
Parents are encouraged to ensure that every item of clothing is clearly labelled with the child’s name. This greatly assists in returning items of lost property.
Items of lost property are held in school for the duration of each half-term. At the end of each half-term items remaining in lost property will be displayed. Any unclaimed items may then be donated to the PSA clothing exchange.