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Our School


At Farnsfield St Michael’s CofE Primary School, we plan and deliver a broad and balanced curriculum that is tailored to the needs and experiences of our pupils. It has been carefully planned and mapped out to ensure that we ignite a passion for learning that will continue long after children have left our school. Our 'What if?' big questions enable children to explore, discover and create the world around them, equipping them with knowledge and skills that will allow them to follow career and life paths that are ambitious and aspirational. 

Our curriculum is deeply rooted in love and Christian faith, underpinned by our seven ‘Rainbow Values’. This enables to children to explore spirituality and faith across the whole curriculum.

As well as fully covering the National Curriculum subjects, our curriculum is driven by termly 'big questions' that all learning is hooked on, allowing for deeper learning and challenge for all. Children are safe to ask questions, make mistakes and find a learning opportunity in all aspects of school life. Our termly themes of 'Discover' (History based), 'Create' (Arts based) and 'Explore' (Geography based) allow more depth and focus in the core and foundation subjects. 

Real outcomes at the end of each term enable all children to use and apply their knowledge and skills to real life situations; whether they are museum curators, artists, chefs, fashion designers, theatre performers, journalists, geologists or podcasters, each child has the chance to explore possible careers and see the impact that their learning has on our local community and the wider world.

Our ambitious curriculum is further enhanced by a range of extra curricular activities, visitors, trips and residential visits, all of which are carefully planned to enhance our curriculum offer.

As our school motto says, at Farnsfield St Michael’s we ‘love to learn, learn to love.’

To find out more about each subject, you can look at the subject pages where there is information about learning and coverage.

Overviews of each term can be found on each phase's page below.

If you would like further information about our curriculum, please contact Mrs Taylor (Deputy Head Teacher) who is our Curriculum lead, or come in and visit us to see our curriculum in action!


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